-Proportionate someone life quality straight with
their commitment is to perfection, whatever
option effort farm them. [Vincent Lombardi]
-They who contemplate aesthetical world it
finding symbolic force reserve and unmitigated
in bird migrations, its ebb is water goes out to sea,
catkins that readily springs" [Rachel
- Preparation today determine front day achievement.
[thomas Edison]
-Choose amazing and bright life
to thyself, then tries to
render every thing. Uames Lee Valentinel
-Life investment top is investment that do ever
changed. [James Lee Valentine]
-Free human history never been written ala
fortunately, but since their own option"
(Dwight Eisenhower]
-Ever be see bright side of life. (Monty Phyton]
-More and more we live, more and more which thing
shall we solve. [Channing]
-Progressively my long time lives, progressively is beautiful life.
If You foolishly it ignores aesthetical,
You will shortly find self You without it.
Your life wills be indigent. But if You
invest in aesthetical, therefore aesthetical it will
ever be available daylong deep your life (franc
wright's lloyd)